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5/13/2013 - 2013 World Health Organization Automotive Fatality by Country Statistics

Country Road fatalities
per 100,000
per year
Road fatalities
per 1 billion
Total fatalities latest year Source
Afghanistan 39.0 1,447.9 10,593 2007-2008[2]
Albania 13.9 127.3 445 2007[2]
Angola 37.7 957.4
Argentina 13.7 43.8 7,485 2012
Armenia 13.9 113.7
Australia 5.71 8[3] 5.8 1,291 2011[4]
Austria 8.2 12 8.9 [5]
Azerbaijan 13.0 146.1
Bahamas 14.5 176.8 8.9 [3]
Bahrain 12.1 23.8
Bangladesh 12.6 6,300.0
Barbados 12.2 64.9
Belarus 10.9 27 1032 2012 official figures[6]
Belgium 10.1 17 10.8 [5]
Belize 15.6 87.6
Benin 31.2 1,485.7
Bhutan 14.4 306.4
Bolivia 16.7 245.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10.9 80.7 355 2010 official figures [7]
Botswana 33.8 299.1
Brazil 19.9 70.9 55.9 37,694 [8]
British Virgin Islands 21.7
Brunei Darussalam 13.8 19.8
Bulgaria 8.8[9] 37.0 19.1 [10]
Burkina Faso 31.1 2,827.3
Burundi 23.4 3,900.0
Cambodia 12.1
Cameroon 28.1 3,512.5
Canada 9.2 13 8.2 [5]
Cape Verde 25.1 267.0
Central African Republic 32.2 8,050.0
Chad 34.3 5,716.7
Chile 13.7 79.7
China 5.1 36 68,000 2009 [11]
Colombia 11.7 201.7
Comoros 30.3 918.2
Cook Islands 45.0
Costa Rica 15.4 94.5
Croatia 9.1 19.5 2012 official figures,[12] number of motor vehicles from 2008 [13]
Cuba 8.6 226.3
Cyprus 10.4 23.6 16.7 [14]
Czech Republic 10.4 20 19.5 [5]
Democratic Republic of the Congo 32.2 6,440.0
Denmark 3.1 6.1 175 [15]
Dominican Republic 17.3 140.7
Ecuador 11.7 185.7
Egypt 42.0 188.4 12,000 2009-2012[16]
El Salvador 12.6 150.0
Eritrea 48.4 4,400.0
Estonia 7.5 34 17.5 101
Ethiopia 35.0 11,666.7
Federated States of Micronesia 14.4 400.0
Fiji 7.0 40.0
Finland 6.5 11 7.0 [5]
France 5.5 9.57 3,645 2012[17]
Georgia 16.8 144.8
Germany 4.5 7.2 7.2(2009)[5] 3,657 2010 official figures [18][19]
Ghana 9.32 233 [20][21]
Greece 14.4 21 17.4 [5]
Guatemala 14.7 125.6
Guinea-Bissau 34.4 1,042.4
Guyana 19.9 209.5
Honduras 13.5 139.2
Hungary 9.9 27 27.1 [5]
Iceland 3.8 5 3.9 [5]
India 11.1 315.0 133,938 (2010) [22] (2009) [23]
Indonesia 16.2 210.4
Iran 35.8 204.6
Iraq 38.1 762.0
Israel 3.7 11.6 5.9 298 2012 [25]
Italy 8.7 12 [5]
Jamaica 12.3 65.4
Japan 3.85 6.8 4,914 2009 official figures[26]
Jordan 34.2 234.2 694 2011 official figures for total number of deaths[27]
Kazakhstan 30.6 155.3
Kenya 34.4 1,638.1
Kiribati 7.4 51.4
Kuwait 16.9 33.3
Kyrgyzstan 22.8 386.4
Laos 18.3 871.4
Latvia 8.7 29 (2011)[29]
Lebanon 28.5 65.7
Lesotho 26.7
Liberia 32.9 10,966.7
Libya 40.5 139.2
Lithuania 14.8 49.8 19.1 [14]
Luxembourg 9.0 8 5.4 [5]
Madagascar 33.7 1,248.1
Malawi 26.0 2,888.9
Malaysia 24.1 36.5 6,745 2009 end[30]/[31]
Maldives 18.3 795.7
Mali 32.1 3,566.7
Malta 3.4 4.6 4.9 [14]
Marshall Islands 7.4 4 2010 [1]
Mauritania 35.5 7,100.0
Mauritius 11.1 69.8
Mexico 20.7 78.4
Mongolia 14.5 147.1 447 2010 [32]
Montenegro 14.6 44.5 95 2010 [33]
Morocco 28.3 398.6
Mozambique 7.0 580.6 2007[2]
Myanmar 23.4 3,342.9
Namibia 28.6 262.4
Nauru 9.9 63.5
Nepal 15.1 1,677.8
Netherlands 3.9 7 5.6 640 [34]
New Zealand 8.6 11 9.1 375 (2010)284 (2011) [5] official figures[35]
Nicaragua 14.2 249.1
Niger 37.7 9,425.0
Nigeria 32.3 1,041.9
Norway 5.4 8 6.1 [5]
Oman 21.3 94.7
Pakistan 25.3 2,300.0
Palau 14.8
Palestinian territories 5.6 86.5 120 2011 (West Bank) [36]
Panama 12.7 105.8
Papua New Guinea 14.2 1,092.3
Paraguay 19.7 240.2
Peru 21.5 390.9
Philippines 20.0 606.1
Poland 10.7 18 23.5 [5]
Portugal 7.9 15 [37]
Puerto Rico 12.8
Qatar 23.7 32.7 12 [38]
Republic of Ireland 3.51 6.44 4.2 161 (2012)[24] [5]
Republic of Korea 11.3 26 Official 2010 figure[28]
Republic of Macedonia 6.9 43.9
Republic of Moldova 15.1 108.6
Republic of the Congo 28.8 1,107.7
Romania 9.4 [9] 67.6 35.8 [10]
Russia 19.5 55.4 27,991 2012 official figures [39]
Rwanda 31.6 7,900.0
Saint Lucia 17.6 106.0
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6.6 32.4
Samoa 12.8 312.2
San Marino 0 0 2010 [1]
Sao Tome and Principe 33.0
Saudi Arabia 29.0 86.3
Senegal 32.5 1,413.0
Serbia 9.8 43.2 656 2010 official figures [40]
Seychelles 18.5 106.9
Sierra Leone 28.3 2,572.7
Singapore 4.8 30.4
Slovakia 7.1 14.2 24.5 [10]
Slovenia 10.4 17 17.2 [5]
Solomon Islands 16.9
South Africa 33.2 208.8 13,802 March 2011 Road Traffic Report[41]
Spain 6.9 10 11.7 1,484 2011[3][5]
Sri Lanka 13.5 221.3
Sudan 34.7 1,239.3
Suriname 15.8 102.4 87 2011 Report [42]
Swaziland 26.3 295.5
Sweden 2.9 7 5.1 270 [5] (2008) [43] (Preliminary results for 2010)
Switzerland 4.7 7 5.6 [5]
Syrian Arab Republic 32.9 530.6
Tajikistan 14.1 371.1
Thailand 19.6 118.8
The Gambia 36.6 5,228.6
Timor-Leste 16.1
Togo 28.1 14,050.0
Tonga 7.0 40.2
Trinidad and Tobago 15.5 44.2
Tunisia 34.5 302.6
Turkey 13.4 97.1
Turkmenistan 18.6 175.5
Tuvalu 9.5
Uganda 24.7 3,528.6
Ukraine 11.2 50.4 5094 2012 official figures [44]
United Arab Emirates 37.1 118.5 310 [38]
United Kingdom 3.59 7 5.7 2,222 2009 Dft results (per capita)[45] else [5]
United Republic of Tanzania 34.3
United States of America 12.3 15 8.5 33,808 [5]
Uruguay 12.8 73.6
Uzbekistan 9.7
Vanuatu 18.6 344.4
Venezuela 21.8 148.3
Vietnam 16.1 55.9
 World 20.8 93.3 1,230,000 2007[2]
Yemen 29.3 837.1
Zambia 25.6 1,422.2
Zimbabwe 27.5 259.4

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