Global NCAP appoints Richard Woods as new Chief Executive Officer

This is an important week for the global road safety community as policy leaders gather in Marrakech for the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety.

To coincide with the half way point in the UN Decade of Action and to better reflect our mission, the Towards Zero Foundation is rebranding as Global NCAP, our most impactful programme, recognising that vehicle safety is at the heart of our advocacy focus for the future.

Our Executive President David Ward is stepping back from his executive role to become President Emeritus. David will continue to advise the Board and collaborate with Richard Woods, who has been appointed Global NCAP’s first Chief Executive Officer.

Our new CEO will be supported by Katie Baker, our Director of Governance and Finance; Jessica Truong, in a new senior consultancy role focused on policy and programmes; and Alejandro Furas, who remains our senior technical strategy advisor as well the Secretary General of Latin NCAP.

David Ward, Global NCAP President Emeritus said,

“After having worked on vehicle safety and sustainable transport issues for the last thirty years it’s the right moment for me to take a step back. I’m very proud to become President Emeritus and I look forward to continuing my collaboration with Richard Woods, the Board, the wonderful team, as well as the entire NCAP community worldwide as we evolve and enhance the vehicle safety successes we have achieved so far.”

Richard Woods, Global NCAP CEO said,

“Global NCAP’s extraordinary advocacy achievements would not have been possible without David Ward’s unique leadership, reflecting a thirty year commitment to improving vehicle safety first in Europe, and then in Latin America, India, Africa and the ASEAN region.

“I look forward to continuing the collaboration I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy with David for much of that thirty year period.”

“Although our brand name has changed our core mission continues to be guided by a Vision Zero approach, as Global NCAP seeks to democratise vehicle safety in support of the UN Global Goals and the Decade of Action.”   


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