The mission of the Automotive Safety Council is to improve the safety of people through out the world through the development, production and implementation of the latest automotive safety equipment by preventing accidents, protecting occupants and pedestrians when in a collision and to notify emergency responders after the collision when necessary. The mission utilizes voluntary, regulatory and legislative directed use of these life saving products in order to make it available to the most people in the lowest cost manner to save the most people from injuries and fatalities.

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2/24/2025 - Global NCAP appoints Richard Woods as new Chief Executive Officer

Global NCAP appoints Richard Woods as new Chief Executive Officer

This is an important week for the global road safety community as policy leaders gather in Marrakech for the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety.

To coincide with the half way point in the UN Decade of Action and to better reflect our mission, the Towards Zero Foundation is rebranding as Global NCAP, our most impactful programme, recognising that vehicle safety is at the heart of our advocacy focus for the future.

Our Executive President David Ward is stepping back from his executive role to become President Emeritus.

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