The mission of the Automotive Safety Council is to improve the safety of people through out the world through the development, production and implementation of the latest automotive safety equipment by preventing accidents, protecting occupants and pedestrians when in a collision and to notify emergency responders after the collision when necessary. The mission utilizes voluntary, regulatory and legislative directed use of these life saving products in order to make it available to the most people in the lowest cost manner to save the most people from injuries and fatalities.
12/20/2024 - NHTSA Proposes National Program for Vehicles with Automated Driving Systems
NHTSA Proposes National Program for Vehicles with Automated Driving Systems
Proposes voluntary program to improve transparency and insight into the safety and performance of ADS-equipped vehicles
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration today proposed a voluntary national framework for the evaluation and oversight of certain vehicles equipped with automated driving systems.
The ADS-equipped Vehicle Safety,